The Portfolio Review – Deploying Strategy With Integrated Business Planning
Number 2 of 7 in the Oliver Wight Strategy Deployment white paper series
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An effective business strategy is one that is deployed throughout the entire organization and used to direct the business decision-making process. While most businesses will claim to have a strategy, all too often, it remains disconnected from operational plans and their execution. However, operationalization of the business strategy is fundamental to an organization consistently achieving its objectives and successfully maintaining the trust of its stakeholders.
This second white paper highlights the role of deploying the strategy via the first step in the Integrated Business Planning cycle, the Portfolio Review (PR). The PR is a natural connection between business strategy and the plans for the products and services that will be brought to market to achieve that strategy over time. In the PR, updates to the portfolio plan are reviewed, with a focus on how changes to the plan impact what will be available to sell, what resources are needed to execute the portfolio plan, and how revenue projections may need to change.
In case you missed it – read the other paper(s) in the series: